Many sellers do not make full use of their About Me Pages. This page is a very useful page for marketing the items that you sell and giving the seller information about you and the items that you sell.
Use this page to;
1. Show case what you sell.
2. To highlight what makes you a better online seller.
3. Let the buying community know who you are.
4. Show off your fabulous finds.
5. Display your items up for sell / auction.
6. Describe your favorite hobby.
Many of the online selling venues offer space to create their own personal webpage using the "About Me" or "Profile" feature. I will refer to them as "About Me Pages" in the rest of this post. They are an excellent opportunity for online sellers to share something about themselves and the way they do business. For many sellers their About Me page takes the place of a brick-and-mortar store where they can showcase their expertise and help build confidence for their trading partners.
For collectors, About Me pages give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of your specialty and to show others the jewels of your collections. Still other members utilize the space as an educational tool by providing links to offsite resources. For example if you sell on eBay and also have a web site you can link to your website here.
Tip of the Day - Build an About Me Page to showcase what you sell and to let your customers know about you.
Microsoft Shutters Skype, a Former eBay Albatross
12 hours ago
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